Saturday, April 4, 2009

I'm brand new to the whole Twitter thing. It's a little bit... spooky.

Not in a "don't-open-the-door-there's-an-ax-murderer-on-the-other-side!" spooky, but just the feeling that I don't really know what it's all about or what I'm doing yet.

So far I've been a twitter lurker (a twurker?). One of the first people I started following was Martha Stewart, who, to my amazement, twitters about lunches with Ludacris, dinners with Valentino, and bathing her cats. Oddly enough, the bathing her cats info was the most newsworthy to me. I also follow several crafty-sites and Etsy, of course. The Etsy tweets are probably the most useful ones I get, letting me know about new articles in the Storque and virtual labs.

I'm timid to actually tweet myself. What would I say? How do you start out?

MeritMarket is ... drinking a diet dr. pepper.

MeritMarket is... avoiding doing laundry.

MeritMarket is... going to go pee, because I drank too much diet dr. pepper. Might as well start a load of laundry while I'm downstairs.

Ah, the drama! The excitement!

And, upon reading my inaugural tweet, all of the 16 followers that I have would collectively decide that I'm not worth their precious 140 characters and unfollow me.

I think I will have to start tweeting soon, though. I saw on a board that other day that it was considered rude on Twitter (or twude?) to NOT participate.

Really? OK, I promise, the first tweet-worthy thing that happens, I will dutifully report it.

This could be a while.