
Monday, April 13, 2009

Well, as Tom and Lorenzo put it, it looks like our long national nightmare is soon to be over. Project Runway is returning! It will be on Lifetime, instead of Bravo, and it will be in LA, instead of New York. (Hope this doesn't ruin the show. I really don't want to see an overabundance of young Hollywood as guest judges.)

Bravo is starting a new show called The Fashion Show with Isaac Mizrahi. Could it be? TWO good design competition shows? It's too much to hope for. I'll wait and watch.

Last season, I actually won a talking Tim Gunn bobblehead from TLo by picking the winner and loser for one episode in their comments. He stands proudly beside my sewing machine at all times, and every once in a while he will tell me to "Make it work!" or "Carry on!"

Yes, I made his teeny scarf. I thought he needed a little something festive for the holidays. I guess he needs something for Spring. Perhaps a twee widdle pocket square?


Sherry said...

I'm not mean, I took the Tylenol! Love the ginko leaf print you use.

cabin + cub said...

That is an awesome bobblehead! I have been filling my Project Runaway void with Project Runway Canada! (It's hosted by Iman).